Tuesday, August 9, 2011

5 A.M. shift

Dear Smith's Fuel Center,
         Your attempt to cripple me with no sleep has failed. Instead of sleeping my required amount of time all at once I simply slept in two shifts. From one A.M. to five A.M. I slept. Then I went to work until noon came home and slept three more hours. HAHAHA (evil laugh) working at this place will not stop the brilliant mind of me.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Break ups and Fake ups

So, Amber my really good friend as of late broke up with her boy friend who also happens to be my other best friend at the moment. Well doesn't that just suck for me now I have to deal with the hurt feelings and mixed up emotions of my friends. Luckily I've become sort of an expert concidering my friends have a history of dating each other and then breaking up. Let's go through a list: First my cousin James and my friend Heather in ninth grade, then James and Lyss in tenth, then Taylor and Devin in eleventh, then in my senior year Amaliki and Jaclyn started dating lasted a whole week and a half I think before they broke up. Note to friends quit dating each other its kinda weird in the first place and second when your break up I have to find new friends because it gets awkward hanging out with either of you after awhile.   

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I have to go to Smith's today to do my computer training. Everyone that has done it tells me how boring it is so I'm trying to put it off for as long as I can. Which sucks because I have stuff I want to do tonight, sara is coming over and we're going to party.

Monday, August 1, 2011


A poisonous hatred lives with me.
Filling my mind haunting my dreams.
My lungs are filled with angry smoke.
That rests within my injured soul.
You were the one I knew was right.
That I followed blindly in the night.
You were there when others weren't.
You guided me within your current.
You showed me right and banished wrong.
But all of that has long since gone.
I looked to you as compus sound.
The person that all things found.
But with an action not done to me.
You've lost my love for eternity.
Your heart is gone your mind has flew.
Leaving behind only nightmares for you.
And an anger that burns my eye's
When  I look upon all your lies.
You live in darkness where you belong.
The sad thing is you brought them along.

I Hate You

Sunday, July 31, 2011

24 hours

It's been a pretty great 24 hours I was picked up around this time last night for a random trip to IHOP after that we went to smith's in layton and raced carts for an hour. But when I got a call from my mom telling me I had to be home or else I knew it was important to get home. From then I slept and had a random dream about me getting a tatoo and my old co worker jenny telling me to be healthy. When I woke up I looked at my phone and panicked the clock said 1:30 is thats when I started to run to get ready. (I was suppose to be to work by one) The next time I looked at my phone I had miraculessly time traveled two hours ago. Or maybe I was just a moron and didn't see one of the ones in 11:30. What do you think is more likely? When I actually got to work I was on time and worked an eight hour shift my first on at HOTTOPIC since I started working there. Luckily I start my new job at smith's soon and I can start making good money. To end this post I'm going to talk about my new phone that I will be getting on friday. The mytouch 4G so excited been watching youtube videos since I got home that talk about it. Friday can't get here fast enough I wonder if they have a blogger app gunna have to check this out.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Love my job sad I'm going to have to leave it for one that gets me more money but hey my next check is going to be about two hundred dollars getting the new sensation from htc

Friday, July 29, 2011

Speak Now

Changed my blog name today to Speak Now; now a big reason I did this is because I love Taylor Swift. But the name change is mostly because I really think it's a good motto to live by. To say things that you mean when you mean to say them. No more holding my tongue back because I'm to afraid to say the things that need to be said. On that note to everyone who may read this I don't want to quit HOTTOPIC.

P.S. Don't piss off famous singers they just end up making you look like an idiot by singing a song that makes you look trashy.